Your child's safety is our priority. Our clinic uses state of the art sterilization to ensure patient safety. Sterilization and disinfection are the basic steps in instrument processing and surface asepsis to kill even the most resistant germs. We use Rapid Steam Autoclave at 275° F(35psi), for 15-20 minutes.
First, the instruments are prepared for the sterilization process. Patient debris and fluids are removed by placing the instruments in 3.2% glutaraldehyde for 40 minutes .Following this pre-disinfection step the instruments are transferred to an ultrasonic cleaner for another 15 minutes .Then the instruments are rinsed, dried, placed in self sealing sterilization pouches and sterilized in the autoclave. Instruments which can not be heat sterilized, are immersed in 2% glutaraldehyde for 10 hours to cold sterilize. We use biological and chemical indicators to monitor our sterilization process.
Every instrument that is used for your child including drilling burs, suction tips, glasses are either discarded or sterilized as required. Before your child is taken in for the treatment, all the surfaces that may be contaminated are disinfected appropriately. We wear protective eyewear, mask, and new gloves for each patient.
With all this care, you can feel confident that your child's health is protected in our clinic.